116 N. Lake Street Mundelein, Illinois | Phone: (847) 949-8300 Fax: (847) 949-2339 | smdpmundelein@gmail.com



Every Saturday from 4:00-5:00 pm in the Church

DECEMBER 2024: For Pilgrims of Hope

SMDP encourages you to pray that this Jubilee Year strengthens our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.


Join us for a Mass and Holy Hour every Thursday 7:00 pm in Spanish.


December 1, 2024
1st Sunday of Advent

When I was a young priest, about one year after ordination, I was called to the hospital to anoint a dying mother of three young children. She had a painful, terminal cancer. After celebrating Last Rites with her, I said, “Don’t be afraid.” She looked me square in the eye from her hospital bed and said, “Oh Father, I am in a lot of pain, but I am not afraid. Something wonderful is about to happen.” A few days later she died. Christians face the ending of our personal various “worlds” in a totally unique way. This first Sunday of Advent, Jesus says that when people see their world falling apart, they find themselves “fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world” (Luke 21:26). In our fear, our natural response is to check out, to hide our heads in drunkenness, distraction, and false securities. But Jesus commands us to “look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” He then compares what’s coming to a lovely summer in full bloom. That’s what the cross and resurrection empower us to do, as strange as it may seem. Advent challenge: What world in your life is collapsing? A relationship, a dream, a work opportunity? Maybe you’re troubled by a crumbling world in the political or economic sphere. Or maybe someone you love is seriously ill or dying. Name that world or worlds. Then pray: “Lord, help me to not faint with fear. Help me to raise my head and see your redemption coming.”  — Father John Muir  ©LPi

Weekly Bulletin

1st Sunday in Advent | December 1, 2024

Special Prayer for

Week: November 30 to December 7, 2024

Mass Schedule

Weekend Saturday – Church 5:00 pm
Sunday – Church 10:00 am
Chapel: 7:30 am
Weekday Monday-Saturday 8:15 am in the chapel,
Wednesday 4:00 pm in the chapel
Holy Days Schedule will be in bulletin with times.

Liturgical Roles

SATURDAY,  5:00 pm

SÁBADO,  7:00 pm

SUNDAY,  7:30 am

DOMINGO,  8:00 am

SUNDAY, 10:00 am

DOMINGO, 12:00 pm

Broadcast and Online Masses


Pilgrimage to Mexico

With Fr. Miguel and Luis Campos, to the Basilica of Guadalupe, Querétaro, Guanajuato and Morelia with a visit to the Señor of Amparo in Huandacareo from March 25 to April 2, 2025. For more information, contact Luis Campos. Information in the back of the Church.

KoC Christmas Tree Sale

Trees and wreaths will be available until December 15 or until sold out. All profits benefit Santa Maria Parish and KofC charitable programs.

Christmas Gift Return

Q&A with Fathers

It’s back by popular demand! Join Young Adult Ministry for our second Q&A session with Father Miguel and Father Chris on December 14th at 9 am in the Parish Center. The theme is ‘The Blessed Mother & the Rosary.’ We’ll bring the coffee & donuts. YOU bring the questions.

SMDP Craft Fair 2024

Weekly Faith Formation with the Young Adult Ministry

New Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:45am to 5:00pm Thursday— 8:45am to 12:00pm Saturday and Sunday closed