SATURDAY, September 7th
†Norberta Carranza, Special Intention: Jessica Marcos, †James Makham, †Janeth Arteaga Viveros, †Aurora Quebrado †Por Las Almas del Purgatorio
SUNDAY, September 8th, Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
†Virginia Banda, †Refugio Mata, †Carmen Segovia, †Esteban Mata, †Greg Kolacz, †Crispina Flores, †Vicente Gómez, †Aron Valenzuela, Intención Especial: Fr. Gerald O’Reilly
MONDAY, September 9th, St. Peter Claver, Priest
†Arnulfo Acosta
TUESDAY, September 10th
†Art Montesanto
WEDNESDAY, September 11th
†Norberta Carranza
THURSDAY, September 12th
†Virginia Banda, †Arnulfo Acosta
FRIDAY, September 13th, St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
†Gene and Pat Doll
SATURDAY, September 14th, The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
†Gen Galla