116 N. Lake Street Mundelein, Illinois | Phone: (847) 949-8300 Fax: (847) 949-2339 | smdpmundelein@gmail.com

Life Chain

Life Chain

Life Chain

On Sunday, October 6th from 1:30 to 3 pm in the St. Christopher Parking Lot. Participants will begin to assemble at 1:15 pm. Please join us this year as Life Chain starts off the Respect Life Month of October.  Life Chain is a peaceful and prayerful nationwide public witness of pro-life individuals standing for 90 minutes, silently praying for our nation and for the end of abortion.  Participants will hold pro-life signs and banners on the sidewalks in front of SMDP Church on both sides of Lake Street for two blocks.  During the last half hour there will be a gathering in the St. Christopher parking lot to pray the rosary for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death.